If life is a highway, this weekend I was in the fast lane.
I need to unplug this coming weekend and simply veg. It wasn't so much that I had a lot to do, it was the intensity of what was done that got me moving on all cylinders.
I have to say Wednesday Softball was intense. There is an actually Umpire in this league and the pitches can count as strikes. I played the hot pocket at third. Got an RBI double and had a few sweet tag outs and caught a line drive for an out. It's much better then playing in the outfield (got to get new contacts).
Friday night- Beer Pong. Fantastic. I love this game. It's the socialization over a table, twenty cups and beer. It was a completly testostroned man-night. And no more Bud Ice, please.
Saturday morning - Hung over demolition! You do not understand how theraputic demolition is, until you have taken a sledge hammer to a second floor bathroom. My very first swing, I put a hole right through the tiled bathroom floor, knocking down not only the tile, but also the ceiling to the first floor. that was suppose to happen. My shoulder is still really sore from it. I need one of those deep tissue massages, I think.
Saturday afternoon, I took a trip to the mall with Rendog. I hate the mall. It's such a bizarre airconditioned, world of cookie cutter consumerism. But it's always fun people watching. It was actually the most fun i've had in a while just playing around in differant stores. I've realized as I have gotten older, that my fascination for certain stores ahs diminished and my love of other stores have grown...basically I'm saying sporting good stores have become my new toy stores. Of course I need to check out new bats, and jump ropes. I went from looking at new GI Joe action figures to checking out the new yoga mats and running shoes. The highlight was stopping by Build-a-bear so Rennie can pick out a Tighty-whitty wearing monkey named Chip that speaks, wears Ugz and a Safari hat for Viviana's birthday.
Saturday night - Dan's Cafe in Adam's Morgan... I was not prepared. I orderd a Vodka Tonic. for $10!! The guy hands me a half pint cup of Vodka, a small bottle of tonic and a bucket of ice with a few Limes. I almost peed in my pants. The Juke box has nothing over 1985 and we got a good amount of people bumping to Billy Joel's "Uptown Girl." They have to serve shots in a see through Ketchup bottle. I was a deer caught in headlights at the whole thing. The night once again ended up with me falling asleep on a bus to SS and going to Rite Aid for the biggest gatorade available at 4am.
Sunday morning (8am) - my alarm goes off. I'm still dressed in my clothes of the previous night. I look at my football as say, "oh, shit." Shower. Get down to the mall, play an hour of intense football. I got a fifteen yard sack! Almost an interception. And we won!! It was an intense game. I hate it when people swear. It's just a game. The dude blocking me was a little intense. I just smiled and ran right in each time. Once I tried a spin move and my head hit his and he went down hard. I brushed myself off and tried to help him up. Thought I had killed up. But he was just shaken up. See, no need to mean when you are winning.
Throw in some notable College and NFL Football games (BC - come on Eagles, Nortre Dame vs. Michigan state, Eagles, Poor playing Patriots, way to lie down Ravens, Go BROWNS!!, etc.) and that was more or less my weekend.
So I got a bit of a bruise on my head, bent glasses, a really sore shoulder, and another softball game tomorrow night.