The weekend recap

I made a funny.
BC beat Clemson, The Red Sox swept the Orioles, The Patriots had a come from behind victory against The Steelers and my football team won our second game in a row!!
Friday night I went to Kelly's Irish times to celebrate Lexi's birthday
Friday night: Kelly's Irish Times - Lexi's Birthday
Lexi: Hey, It's my Birthday! Sing me a song, Mr.Guitar player!
Guitar Player: I don't know that one. (Plays freebird)
Arlyn: Hmm..not drunk enough for the R-Dog, but getting there.
Lexi: I am queen of the macedonian liliputs!!
Seema: SHOTS!
Random girls at bar: Dat, you haven't learned your lesson.
Lexi: I'm soooo HAPPY!
Devon: TEXAS!
Liz and Fitzy: smooching sounds
Reiter: The gay men at the gay bar totally called me out for being straight.
Dat: Lexi needs another shot.
Lexi: Duck, duck, duck goose (and runs around the bar)
Scuba: I have no more bedroom.
And Saturday after doing some demolition with Craig
It was a crazy night in Adam's Morgan..again we began at Dan's Cafe
While sitting at a bar at Dan's Cafe
Dat: Jack and Coke
Dan, who only has one eye and is missing his two front teeth due to a bar fight back in 92, Hands Dat a half a pint of Jack Daniels, a bucket of ice and a can of Coke : Here you go.
Dat in awe: You are a great man.
Dan: I know. Now, go howl at the moon, fucker.
Dat: Thanks, Dan. (tears)
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