Thursday, August 11, 2005

Journal entry 8/11

Why post something I would write in my journal? There are a lot of reasons. 1. I think sometimes my journal entries should be published. 2. I really don't think anyone reads this on a daily basis, my writing on this sucks. It's raw and unedited. It's like puke spewing out of my head and into my finger tips. 3. Rennie has been MIA cause of work and what not so I need an outlet. So you Mr. Sync or Swim is it. 4. I've had a few drinks.

1. Careerwise: Do what you think makes you happy. If making the most money you can is what makes you happy, go for it. Work is an essential part of human nature. It's the product of your work that you should be proud of. It's not about doing shit that people tell you that you should do. It's about making yourself happy. And forget about the bullshit about becoming a whatever by this age and then doing this by this age. We all got a path to follow and we'll follow it as whoever feels we're ready for it says we're ready for it. It's all about explorations and determination.

2. Family: They are there for you in the bad times and there for you in the good times. So treat them like kings and queens. The blood that tries to hurt you is the blood that should be let out. And when I say family, I don't mean your blood family, I mean your tight friends as well. The friends who have seen you at your worst and seen you at your best and have stuck to you. That is FAMILY.

3. Religion: The problem with modern man is that we raitonalize so easily out of religion and all contgregate around the dollar. That is the problem in Niger. They got all these starving people and yet the fat man in the city will raise a 110lbs of rice from $25 to $35 in a month. Please! Help out your nieghbor. All we got is each other. As bad as my financial situation will get, I will always give the dude begging outside Pot Belly's by my work $5 on Fridays. The Friday he does not show up there is the Friday I know I've made a change in this gigantic world. We all have a path to follow. The problem with religion is that we all take these stories about our own religions as fact and decipher all these other stories as myths. Yet, if you break down all those stories and myths or the different religions, they all follow the same path. The only differance is that they reside in different cultures. Buddah and Jesus are the same man.

4. Love: Oh, love. The greatest of all the emotions of human kind. Love comes straight from the soul. It rarely involves that little calculator you call the brain. Love can do wonders. It can conquer hate. It can save lives. It can make people do incredibles things. I believe the growth of the soul comes from love. We all think sometimes in our lives the growth of the soul is derived from pain, but I think not. After every break up, I've always had someone say to me, "hey, build charecter." Bull, I think that's just a form of love. Pain is a deretitive of that love. Granted, it sucks, but I've learned that if those are my cards, then you pick them up and learn from them. I've seen it in my parents. It makes it easy to believe in for me. That has always been my problem. I travel from relationship to relationship looking for that. I'm no player. Maybe I like to think I am, but I've always been a one girl guy, even if I have been cheated on. You know the feeling. Person to person lightening strikes and you are sometimes left wordless. And when you talk about the other person to a friend or someone else, you're giddy and happy and the other person can sense it. It's a feeling that exudes. Love is a feeling that will make everything thing else about life (including the ones I've discussed above Null) . Love is someone who makes me challege myself. It's a question answered by a ten fold answer. If money were the issue, then I'd go out there and make more money. She'll take care of me, why shouldn't I do the same, right? I don't know. Sometime I think I'm young and naive about love, other times I think I know it all. But my niave self will always believe that it is the way it should be.

well, that's it folks. Maybe tomorrow night I'll give you another journal entry. I've been staying in on purpose. Those wholes sense of getting a plan and program together had been getting to me, but honestly, I like it and I think I need it.




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