Leela James

"You can't fake soul."
Her new Cd, "A Change is Going to Come" is sweet sounds for the soulful. I heard about James from Big Toe, and have yet to pick up the album. I've been tempted to download it. I was actually thinking this morning that I should get the CD soon before it gets huge and Tower decideds to over price it. But with new artist, I don't mind spending the dough. So there I was, walking past Borders by random chance during my lunch break and there is a small poster up saying, "Leela James: Live performance and CD signing. Thursday July 28th @ 12:30." The Borders I'm talking about is on the corner of 18th and L, across the street from Mackey's. Why was I all the way down there you ask? An off chance comment from my new co-worker, David who said Sports City had baseballs on sale. No luck with baseballs, but the walk was not in vain.
I caught her video, "Music" on VH1 soul one late night and thought it was awesome. I've also been listening to the CD courtesy of her website as well. Great beats and a beautiful voice. OKAY PLAYER did a pretty good feature on her as well. I'll just be taking an extended lunch break Thursday then.
pure jealousy
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