Cheers to Tubing

Who would have thunk that West Virginia is such a cool place?
I went tubing today at a place called Butt's Tubing Incorporation...really, check it out, yo (
Now it's been about a little bit more than a year since I've been to a beach, lake, or even left the city for anything woodys. Which explains why this guy was so excited to see rocks, grass and trees! I saw trees, a whole forrest of them! I hadn't even stepped out of the car yet and I was more excited then the first time I saw boobs...well, almost more excited.
It was awesome. A group of seven of us just floated down the Potomac drinking beer. There were some pretty harry situations. Al got a little too excited about getting on the river that she pulled us into the current while leaving behind three members of the group. We left Rennie bleeding on a rock at one point without a tube. I had to act like an anchor for a while. The highlight must have been our first stop on a rock. First of all, it's hard as shiat to pull a group of seven tubes and three coolers cross currents and onto a rock. Second of all, beer does not help coordination. So we have landed thanks to Carly who beached herself and her tube onto the rock. As we are about to head back into the river, Mary Beth slips into the water, Jackie decides to jump in to save her, and James after thought decides to put down his beer and jump into save both of them. As Mary Beth continues to float into oblivion, Jackie is completly being taken out to sea as well. The top of the cooler falls in and that goes as well. So James gets over ambitious and goes after the cooler top, Mary Beth and Jackie. No luck. Yours truly managed to grab Jackie, who held out her foot for Mary Beth, who pretty much rescued James. And yes, we also got the cooler top on. Why was I sucessful you ask? I held onto a piece of the rock...So I wouldn't end up floated down stream like the Three Stoogies.
I loved it. I want a cabin in West Virginia so I can go there every weekend. I even calculated how much of a commute it would be to DC, just incase.
It was a perfect day. Looking into the green hills while floating down a river on a Sunday in July made me realize how insignificant my problems really are. It also made me wish I could share a day like that with a certain someone...hmm, I'm a dork. The river itself gave us a ride. There were some peaceful, tranquil moments. There were rocky bumps and rapids. There were crazy adreneline pumping drops. It's like life. We're always moving forward. The point is to enjoy the ride...and keep your butts up when you're going over rapids.
Something else to kill time with in my cube.
Teng "How Mao?" Wei Mao
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