RIP Icky
Work sucks and my hermit crab of 2.5 years just died.
I should have stayed at TPW for another few years, even if it meant being part-time, making chump change and not having vision benefits. I believe the death of Icky is directly related to my busy work schedule. Those bastards killed Icky.
It could have been his change in diet. I use to feed him this special crab food that stunk. I switch to flakes with coconut and he loved it at first. Then he just stopped eating for about a month. I 'm going to check if the food was made in China.
Though, he had a good life a large cage, a log to roll around, a climbing wall and a little wading pool with a palm tree.
I'll always remember his molting. We threw him a pirate party. It was pretty awesome
Classes start next week and i'm strangly looking forward to them.