Thursday, March 30, 2006

busy busy

March 30, 2006
You'll have an optimistic attitude throughout the day, Dat. Your energy levels will be high, and you'll be ready to tackle just about anything. Just don't push yourself too hard. Although you might have a lot of stamina, you could go too far in trying to get things done. Don't try to be Superman! Instead, focus on small, reachable goals. That way, you can have a day filled with ease and flow.
Don't try to be Superman? Ha. Lunch Date today - Sorta, Kinda...I'll let you know.

24th birthday

Dancing with you is like sweet honey - raw, sticky and oh so sweet.
I had a great birthday weekend, for those who are wondering. And I wanted to say Thanks!
We're young and we drink,
We eat and toast to  the Birthday boy, to a good night,
Guys talking about gals,
Gals whispering about guys.
We laugh too loud,
and too much!
We're all brothers tonight,
high and tight,
feeling very, very right.
Inebriated and intoxicated,
we flirt and play games.
Girls in fancy straps,
Revloned eyes,
drinking vodkas and tonics.
Guys and Jack,
rubbing elbows, pat back hugs,
and cheek pecks with a warm after glow.
And we Danced and Danced,
Introducing new faces to old broken bars,
on a pop -hiphop beat.
There goes the neighborhood says the security guard,
and we're all rock stars,
all bright and tight,
all in love with each other.
Proud of each other,
Happy with each other,
Because we are with each other.
It's 5 after midnight and I just watched my Outlook's mail menu change all of Today's emails to Yesterday's e-mails.
I'm just going to run down the list of things i'm currently working on:
Closing for a mutual bank reorganization, Mortgage license application in four states, Script for an annual meeting, Amendment to articles of incorporation for a bank, Three closing binders that are considered 'priority,' License research for loan originators, the actual applications for a SA to become an MHC. This is on top of the everyday regulatory filings we do - Yes, annual reports are due Friday.
I'm sure you are all fascinated with this world of Corporated Law and Finance. To be honest, I do like the challege, the reserch, the doc control, certain applications, even the creation of closing binders. It's sad, but true.

Monday, March 27, 2006

Cat nip

I don't even like cats. They are fussy, stuck up, and mean. They shed and scratch. Since L moved in, one of her cat's, Hannah, has claimed me as her person - more or less her bitch. She comes and greets me when I get home, lies in my bed when I'm not home and when I'm home. At 3am, she'll knock on my door until I open it. Once that happens, she'll jump up on to my bed, stomp around for the most comfortable spot and stretch out. Then she'll snore. Reminds me of a few girls I've dated, now that I think about it. And she's even stopped the whole custom of knocking - yes, this cat has figured out how to open my door.

When I take a nap, she watched for intruders. When I'm watching TV, she's by my side. Sweet and mushy, isn't it? And this is coming from a Dog person.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

not reserved

He woke to the pulse of a mild thought. The full moon's light reflected off his long mirror and against the yellow Carnesian inspired wall paper. He thought about his life and himself and what about the plight of not just man, but of all life - the hunger, the love, the hate, and all the rules, games of society and unspoken understandings his blood feels each and everyday.

The ocean air flowed into his bedroom window of the old farm house and he slipped on his sneakers, shorts and an old t-shirt that said Randolph Football. He quickly walked down stairs, and out the back door of the red farm's kitchen. The July air off Cape Cod is salty and blue. And he ran to the dock.

He heard the flap of bird wings, the struting stallions, moving sheep and ambient inner habor waves.

As he stood on the dock and looked out on the inner habor, he wanted more. He stripped naked and jumped.

Swimming quickly and smoothly he swam across to the captain's house. He unroped the little wooden rowboat called The Dolphin and began rowing himself out into the Nantucket Sound. His furry that resounded from all that was left unsaid, left behind and cast offed vibrated from his heart to his arms, back, hand and legs and he rowed out past the anchored yachts and scooners.

Breathless he let go of the oars and turned to face the full moon. It's glow reflected off the wrinkles of the moving waters, our hero stands up, wobbling with the row boats and screams out to the middle of the wide exspance of waters. Wet and naked he yelled and beat his chest like a mad man. Incomprehensable screams he yells - a language hidden deep in human species knowledge, primitive and effective - He screams. A small speck in the middle of the span of the Nantucket Sound, he screams at the wide and infinite Atlantic and it's star jeweled sky.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Let's Celebrate!

Wednesday, March 24, 1982 @ 3am -
I took the trip down the birth canal.
It's a small and soft smooth stone that sinks from your throat to the pit of your stomach.

Thursday, March 23, 2006


I'm just getting bad vibes all over the place. Bad news, bad moods. It's like somebody flipped a switch on a dirty apartment in East Boston and the cockroaches scramble and scurry across the floor. Everybody is running around and on eachother, exposed under a florescent kitchen light. Observed by a terrified child. Then Mom comes to the rescue with her boots, weapons of mass destruction and it's mass murder everywhere.
But mom, I am cockroach.

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

and Go
 - One of those days at work

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

New charecter

I'll hash out the rest of the charecter laters, but on my way home tonight I thought up of another charecter which I think reveals a large part of my own personality. Granted, this was on a work out high and after another 12 hour day at work, but I think this charecter can really fit into the whole concept of my play.

The concept of my charecter is rather stock. He's a shy boy that doesn't speak. Dramatically he's like the Silent Bob or, like I would like to think, the Lucid figure, aware and thoughtful whose words hold a lot of wieght. He's been cast off on the Redline like a lot of the other charecters - because of their isolation. He won't speak the whole play, but will be able to show a lot of expession. It's a definite challange for the actor, but I think it'll demonstrate how body language is essential. I also think it may be too ambitious and self conscious on my part, but the whole self conscious part didn't start until I started writing about it.

He is cast off on the Redline because he is too sensitive for the world. He empathizes to an extreme - to the point of helplessness. He's lost his voice in the process and has literally been searching for it. Figurativly he'll be another awakening and resource for the main charecter to get off the Redline with Gia, the lovely Gia.

So, that's all I got - and I turn 24 on Friday! How did that happen?

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Moon Rising

I walked down Pennsylvania Ave tonight, headed back to the office after a break at the gym. I passed by the new World Bank building on Penn and 19th. I passed by the IMF building on 18th. Gym bag in hand, black cardigan keeping the wind off my bones, I slowed my pace. The night was crisp and clear and there was a hint of spring in the air. And there was the moon, rising, orange tinted from the low angle of it's reflected rays, beaming off the face of the moon. Framed by the White House front walk way - it's glowing parrallel row of florescent street lamps, - I thought what a beautiful city.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


I'm sitting at my desk at quarter to midnight waiting for a Corporate Sedan Service to come and pick me up and take me home.
I'm not an attorney yet, but they sure do treat me like one. Now to do something about that salary raise I expect next month.
Now I that I feel too exhausted for a proper vent! this sucks.

Happy Birthday Lil' Sis

She's all grown up now. Don't think she's so swet and innocent. When she was five, she took a baseball bat to my nose. Obviously, my mom said, "You must of done something to deserve it." The tragedy of being the older child. Happy Birthday, Lil' Sis!

Happy Birthday, Pabs!

Fly me to the Moon and let me play among the stars

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Feeling a little groggy,
 half steps,
foggy headed drowsiness,
 post lunch content in a world of Rush projects and deadlines.

Monday, March 13, 2006

Can you feel my frustration?

cool.  kinda sucks for you, because now I have no reason to pester the client yet...

From: DBQ
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 2:38 PM
To: KW
Subject: Form 4


From: KW
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 2:37 PM

So, even if we get it to the SEC at like 8pm, it will count as filed today?

From: DBQ
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 2:34 PM
To: KW

8pm, but obviously the earlier the better. In any case, I was planning to stay till about 8pm anyway.

From: KW
Sent: Monday, March 13, 2006 2:25 PM

When's the latest that you need the go ahead to file this today?  I'm still waiting on the faxed signed copy from the client.  I just need to know if/when I need to hassle them to get it back to us.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Conversations with my horoscope

March 10, 2006
Everyday, you try to be at peace with yourself. At times, it is easy and sometimes, it isn't! Today, Dat, your efforts could be rewarded faster than you had anticipated. At work but also in your private life you will be glad that your efforts are finally going to pay off. Your emotions will be galvanized by the day's events. Today, you will just feel radiant!
 So yeah, I'm suppose to be feeling pretty radiant. I am. I'm pretty at peace too. Thanks, Horoscope. The whole trying to be at peace with myself, is genuinlly true. I do try and at times it is hard. Last night at the gym I just kind of exploded, throwing wieght around like I wasn't joking around. Getting aggressive at inanimate objects. At one point, I called out a guy for leaving his wieghts around (on the passive agressive side) and stacked on 45lbs plates to do skull crushers, supersets with straight bar curls. I consider it an act of expression - performance art. I approach it as I would a ritual, set routines, movements, everything down to the proper clothing and music.
Feeling good. Wouldn't exactly say Radiant. Maybe a bit phosphorescent.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

TPW Happy Hour

Be afraid DC. Tomorrow night is another TPW happy hour. They are incredulously and infamously famous. It usually takes place at a classy type joint, hence tomorrow night I'll be at Old Ebbit Grill, no later then 5pm in the Corner Bar. No expense is too expensive. I'm am talking about clams, oysters, artichoke dip, and did I mention oysters? I'm tlaking about grey goose and tonic, McCullen 12 on the rocks, Blue label, fine young 18 year-old Toulous and well, my personal favorite, Jack Daniels - maybe Gentleman Jack. Microbrews gulps by lawyers in Gucci loafers and Polo blazers. Some of the most famous ones recapped:

1. I was talking to Managing partner about woman, because he use to be and still is quiet the charmed player, but he's married with a troop of kids with a beautiful wife, if I might add. So he lives vicariously through us younger folk who are still stumbling blindly around in this awkward, exciting and torrential...sometimes absolutely arrid love life. This happen to be a point in my life where things were actually in between torrential and arrid. The girls were there and would call to see what I was doing this weekend, there were e-mails back and forth with other girls. That's the way things go, anyway. So I wasn't so much talking to Managing partner about girls, but he was asking me about girls. I'm not sure how the conversation actually went after four shots of So-Co and lime and a lemon drop, but he ended up explaining how his brother would get rid of one night stands or girls he really just wanted to sleep with. Not so much a Coyote Ugly thing, but a more "hey, I conquered you, so move on." His brother would apparrently light a cigarette, look at the girl and say, "Hey that was fun, don't you think it's time you got going." Before long he was naming certain attorney's in our office tripod, starting calling me a strapping young man, and eventually did another shot and toasting (his exact words) "Here is to you all MOther Fuckers!"

2. I got rediculously wasted at one Happy hour with JoJo, the other paralegal at the time and our receptionist and one of the secretaries. We all ended up going to CVS and buying loads of toliet paper and decided to toilet paper the office. We loaded all the partner's offices, certain attorney's offices and went to town on the lobby. The security guard was nothing more then amused. Not only did I not get fired the next day. There were certain attorney's who were upset we had not toilet paper their offices. And the ones we did toilet paper, were too hung over to clean it up, and so ended up working all day in a world of generic, white, CVS butt tissue.

3. Another Happy Hour had one of our Attorney's hook up with the summer intern, who by the way, was one of our clients daughters, had a boyfriend, and just graduated from Michigan.

4. My favorite one - Mr. Y Attorney was still working in our office at the time. It was another Old Ebbitt night. The type of night where at the end of it you could be drinking cleaning liquid and still smile....with brighter teeth. Open to suggestions with a plastered smile, and a plastered everything else. Mr. Y suggested going to Shelly's, the Cigar Bar down the road. So, why not? The guy who hooked up with the intern, Mr. Y and I headed to Shellys, where we had $40 cigars and Glennfiddich special reserve 12. They hit on the only other party that happend to be there, and happen to single out the most unattrative 'big' girl of the group. I didn't want to ruin my cigar. Time came when they were both rejected and we all decided to go to Camelot, the classiest, yet still skeezy, strip club in DC.

I smiled, because it was my first time. Out of the fifty times I've walked by that place, I've only been in it twice. And it's nice. You can have a drink and not get hasselled. Watch a show and not feel obligated. Mr. Y ordered beers and shots, watching stripper after stripper walk by...eyes totally not wide shut. Other Attorney was falling asleep, so bad that the bouncer came over and told me he was cut off and that I should watch him. The night ended with me having another beer, sticking a wad of ones into the thong of yoga boddied, hip wiggly, curley haired, 36 D named Lauren.

So tomorrow night, don't bother calling folks. Whatever the suggestion or the question, I will probally say yes. If I call you, just hang up because I'll either be saying, 'Hey, I love you," or "Hey, You know what I think about you. Well, You.. blah bah, and that one time..Oh shit." If you happen to stop by Old Ebbit, Disregard the well dressed, well behaved, well spoken blokes at the bar, and look over to the corner to the people who are having a blast...and well, join us for a few. At least I can say, You were warned.


This guy is funny - Replacement for a PIMP
As entertaining as I thought Three 6 MAFIA was, I felt almost embarrased for them. I have no doubt that Nicole Kidman and Anthony Hopkins or the ever illustrious love of my life - Jessica Alba enjoyed it, but honestly guys, at the Oscars? I do admit, for all the songs that were nominated, it was the most entertaining, the most original and most well done, but the performance looked like a bad parody of a Lil'John video complete with MVHs (Music Video Hoes) who are actually on the same level of property as spinning rims and iced out chains. Completely unoriginal, completely done- before and also in bad taste.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

The Red Line

Act I - Tendencies

Scene one

It's an ice cold night in mid-January. The parties have come and gone. People are still writing the previous years on their checks by mistake. The city is quiet. The sky is clear. We're at the corner of Conneticut and 17th, at the top of the escalators to Farrugut North's Metro stop. Two men are working on a set of escalators. They are dressed in dark blue metro clothing and black hats. One of the men, Metro Worker 1, is older, walks with a limp and talks with a gruff. Metro Worker 2 is in his mid-thirties, amaible and goes out of his way to help the old man.

A young woman walks by entering stage right, huddled up in a coat, miserable. We hear her big boots stomp across stage. She only looks down and at the ground. A young man walks in stage left, right as the young sadly beautiful woman walks off the stage. They both pause with their backs to eachother. She continues walking away. He turns, sees her walking and continues past the metro workers and down the escalators in a rush.

Metro Worker 1: Hey, son. Grab that wrench for me.
Metro Worker 2: No prob, Pops. (Hands him the wrench)

Quiet, huh? Like even the city sounds are too fucking froozen to move. And here we are fixing the escalators. Always the up escalators, huh Pops? Why is that?

Metro Worker 1: (Hands back the wrench) Gravity, son.
Metro Worker 2: You need what?
Metro Worker 1: No, you idiot. It's why the up escalators break more often - Gravity. Now, hand me the screw driver.
Metro Worker 2: (Takes the wrench back and hands Metro Worker 1 the screw driver) Right. You don't have to call me an idiot, you know.
Metro Worker 1: What am I suppose to call an idiot then?
Metro Worker 2: Ha, you're a joker, old man. Here let me do that for you.
Metro Worker 1: 'Bout time you made yourself useful.
(They switch and Metro Worker 1 stars up at the sky.)
Metro Worker 2: You could try being nice to me sometime.
Metro Worker 1: I am being nice.
Metro Worker 2: I'm just saying.
Metro Worker 1: It is quiet tonight. Beautiful though. Even the stars look a little sharper.
Metro Worker 2: Hey, old man. Looks like we need to tighten the chain here.
Metro Worker 1: well, tighten it. You know where the wrench is.
Metro Worker 2: Thanks, pops.
Metro Worker 1: Hey, how's that family of yours. You feeding that kid enough?
Metro Worker 2: They're good. The Mrs is looking for a new job. Jr. is the best thing you could ask for.
Metro Worker 1: Good to hear.
Metro Worker 2: He's got these big eyes, always watching, and he's got some grip already.
Metro Worker 1: He's a fighter. You all enjoy that turkey I sent over?
Metro Worker 2: That was you, pops? We had no idea. No name on it or nothing. Hey, Thanks, pops!
Metro Worker 1: Don't mention it. I get it from the veteran's affairs office for being shot in the leg in Korea.
What is an old grump like me going to do a big fat bird anyway.
Metro Worker 2: Hell, Pops! Thank you. He has a heart after all.
Metro Worker 1: AH, don't mention it.

Sirens in the background

Metro Worker 2: The quiet can't last all that long, huh pops?

Here's to you

- Mr. Gordon Parks 1912-2006
Poet, writer, director, composer, photographer,  and activist. I can't say I know his life's work ..yet, but I caught an HBO biography about him a few years back that really inspired me on the infinite possibilities of human accomplishment.
"We are a nation of immigrants, but we are a nation of laws," Specter, the committee's chairman, wrote in a Feb. 24 letter to his colleagues. - Arlen Spector (R-PA)
How did she become a Senator with such poor writing ability? We are a Nation built on immigrants. We're the backbone to this economy, the belivers of its myth, the essence of its story. Pass the bill, and you'll only see a backlash from liberal America, which has too long sat dormant without defined goals and principals...which is a whole other story. However, this is my point in contention with hte Republican party - their lack of compassion and stance with the status quo.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

small city

I saw this girl Sue on the train the other day. She graduated from GWU a year before me and we had known eachother through different aquintances and jobs. Even after graduation I would see her at bars and she was cute. She was smart, laid back and cute. We always had a good time together.

So on the metro, I had just finished up another 11 hour day, reading Murakami's "Dance Dance Dance" and utterly depressed. She kicks my leg and flips at my book.

"Hey Stranger," she says.
Choked, I look up, smile and on recognition, I smile even bigger." Hey, Sue!" we hug.
"How have you been? Still partying as usual?" She looks at the guy with her and says to him, "I would always see Dat at the bar crawls working behind the man."
"Yeah, still, but not so much anymore... it got complicated. How are you!?"
"Doing well, still here, still in the rat race. What are you reading?"
"Murakami. Japanese. He's kinda of a representative of a whole Japanese subversive backlash."
"You were always a Subversive charecter yourself. HAHA!"
"So true" I scratch my head and smile at Sue. She's smiling back, a bit inebriated as well as her red faced boyfriend. I look at her and say, "Hey, you still doing that business thing?"
"OH yeha, still going for it. Are you still doing that Law thing?"
" Yeah, hence the late hour"
"Well, most importantly, are you happy?"
and I couldn't say yes. It wasn't necessary the law thing, the work thing, the girl thing, the anything...I just couldn't say yet. At that moment I felt like saying Happiness comes in prolonged orgasms. They last for periods of seconds, minutes and hours and of right now, I'm feeling like shit. Tired, lonely and thoughts of a cold beer waiting in the fridge just for me.
I said, "I'm alright, Just finished my law school apps and stuff. Feeling satisfied."
"Well, good to hear." and her stop came and she walked off the train, onto the metro station and into the late Thurday night with her orge of a boy.

Oscar Shorts

I've downloaded a few of the short films there were nominated for an Oscar on to my IPOD. So far I've watched Cashback twice, Six Shooter (which actually won the Oscar), and Our Time is Up. All of them are great. I didn't think too much of Six Shooter except that it's an excellent black comedy. Our Time is Up is about a psychiatrist who finds out he is going to die soon and ends up telling his patients what he really thinks. It's very entertaining. I thought Cashback should have won. Great special effects, cinematography, good story line - about an art study who works that late shift at Sainsbury. It's also British, the country I should have been born in. Seeing the Sainsbury and the accent just takes me back to the time I spent studying in London. I would stop by the Sainsbury on my way back to class and pick up some wine or groceries. They would have great deals on rum. Anyway, there is also a period of five minutes in the film where it's just a bunch of naked girls in the supermarket. Think about it. This juxtaposition of beautiful naked women in the 24 hour supermarket, A place to purchase sustenance meshed with the figures of the naked female form, round curved beauty in isles and rows of boxes, priced by onces, cartons, containers and bags....okay, I got off track.
A beautifully done 25 minutes of entertainment - hence the comment that I've already seen it twice.

Going corporate

So I went into work yesterday at 9am. I didn't leave until 10pm. And I also regret having to have lunch at my desk. Let's just say, I'll be billing the overtime.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Great weekend. I do wish I had just one more day. When you spend 55 hours a week at work, I get so excited for the weekend, that I have trouble sleeping in. 8am comes, and no matter how late I stayed up the night before, watching episodes of the office, sipping on a Molson and reading Hurakami. I'm up and ready to go.
Saturday I spent at the gym, stretching, lifting, and a long run.I cleared my head then I got a got a cup of coffee and brainstormed my charecters for my Play called THE Redline. At home I had some wine with my sesame tofu on a bed of long grain wild rice. Watched some College Basketball and Read an article on the Vietnamese philosopher Thich Nhat Chan. He is amazing. His whole life is about compassion and finding himself in that compassion. It's his ability to express his philosophy that I find impressive.
That night we went out to Dan's Cafe in Adam's Morgan to celebrate Mr.G's 24th. I think everyone had a good time. I had a blast. It wasn't rock star caliber crazy, but it was fun drinking in a skeezy bar, listening to a juke box with nothing past 1985. Flirting with promises, dancing with love. Patting backs, hugging friends, kissing cheeks and empty proclaimations. And like a Tom Waits song, you go home stumbling down concrete sidewalks, using parting meters as arm rest. A sliver of a 2am moon. A business card in pocket and missed text messages and a voice mail from another life. Thinking about somebody who's thinking about you, but wondering who at the bar you left may be thinking about you. It's a cold trip back to Silver Spring and there's a bed waiting for your dreamless night. A little bit lighter at heart. A bit more connected, void of trouble and just tired.

Friday, March 03, 2006

A hero in the night

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Day dreaming

I just finished my billing for the entire month of February. On average, I worked 10 hours a day, 56 hours a week, 6 times in Febraury I stayed past 8pm, once I stayed past 10pm. Tack on law school applications, and a regular gym routine and you one tired boy.
This past week have all been 11 hour days. If I keep on this track, I may break my 58 hour week record.
In other news, now that most of my law school applications are in, I've been looking foward to writing a play. I have a great idea I concocted on a drunken metro ride this past week. It's going to be very DC centric and maybe before 2007, one of the local theatres will pick it up. It'll be picked up and produced in New York and London. I'll get picked up by an agent, a theatre company in NY and given a $2 million advance on my next play which will involve the exploration of intricate male and female relationships and juxtapose those with family relationships.
I'll attend my openings with my sister who will be my PR rep and beautiful models with unpronouncable names - so I'll call them babe, or lovely.
Eventually I'll bring plays to the common household and make it less of a higher social affair. The British Royal Theatre will hire me to write a bohemian play duet with Joss Stone where she'll play the part of a singing gypsy princess and I'll be her pot-smoking banjo player, broke and poor, but with good taste and big personality. I will obviously have to beat out some rich and handsome prince who wants to marry her and my own insecurities about settling down. He's frivolous, wears too much perfume and is hinted that he is batting for the other team.
Eventually I'll put together and tour with a group of actors performing impromptu skits, improv, and music through out Europe with extended stays in Nice, Paris, Barcelona, Florence, Savilla, and Berlin.
My career will continue as a spokes person for an amnesty organization while writing politically charged plays that mock the status quo. I'll do stints of writing sitcoms and will create the next best things since Friends and Seinfeld. My two movies will become cult favorites, but will never reach their earning potnetial unless the studio allows me to fake my own death.
And this week was suppose to be an easy week!

Happy March.

In any event, I'm excited for the weekend!<