Thursday, February 16, 2006

Last night

He sits slumped against the foot of his bed on his bedroom floor. Still in his slick grey work pants and untucked black polo, he sips on Yellow Tail Chardonnay in a big bulbed wine glass, legs stretched out and crossed at his bare feet. Itunes is shuffling through his "Jazz at night" play list and Rachel Yamagata sings "Be Be Your Love," the live version.
A sip soothes his frustrations at work, the 13 hour day, a sloppy Prospectus, e-mails listed as priority, and research listed as essential. Another sip puts him in the shoes of the overworked attorney's with their own frustrations but lack of planning that is costing our hero his social life.
He stretches out, puts on his glasses and picks up a book about a family's survival during Pol Pot's rule in Cambodia. As Loung decribes the work camp conditions, he think about his own family and the conversation he had with his sister earlier.
"Call home," She says. "Ma and Ba are going to pay off the house soon, and T. is in jail."
"Yeah, he got arrested and is in jail"
"He stole Ba's identity and put $8,000 on it and lots of other people!"
"I don't even know what to say."
"I know," she says and pauses.
11pm and He is still reading, a new glass of wine. A call to A. produces converations on dating, love, life and wants for something better.
They say what is on their minds verbally wrestling their thoughts with eachothers. Each time they hang up, he has a whole lot more to say. She knows, more likely not.
12am and he is still up thinking about his family, how his father looks like Loung's father in the book and how Loung's family was a victim of war and politics and how his was a victim of war and politics too. He sips on water and thinks about the possibilities of law school, the definitions of success, how to protect his Dad and help his cousin. He wants to make people proud. He looks in the mirror and the man that stares back  resemble that of his father and uncle, big lips, big noses, a high hair line and round cheeks. He has his mothers almond eyes and shaply chin.
In bed thoughts of happier days and times with a lighter heart makes him smile and drift off to sleep.


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